During the course of your business, you might come across a time when you need to transfer your domain to a new registrar. Although most businesses avoid getting into such a situation, for some, it may become a necessity due to one reason or the other. Domain name transfer is not that big a headache as it is made out to be. All you need to do is keep a few essential points in mind and you shall be able to sail smoothly.
First and foremost, you need to be sure about what you want to do. What we are talking of here is transferring your domain name to another registrar. This means, your domain name will be ‘leased’ by a different company; it will have absolutely no effect on your website, email addresses, or DNS. So, please be clear if this is what you would like to do.
Next, go and figure out the companies that are best suited to your purpose. If you are transferring your domain name due to price reasons, you will easily be able to find a service provider who offers you a similar package at a lower cost.
When it comes to legalities, the initiation of this process has to be from the company you want to move your domain to. All you need to do is open your account on the new registrar’s website and request for transfer of your domain. The company will, start this simple online process on your behalf. It will first send an email to the administrator of your old domain registrar. Usually, such mails have a link that the admin can just click on and actively accept the transfer of the domain name. The time limit to accept this transfer request is mostly 7 days.
When the admin of old registrar approves the transfer request, the new registrar sends a notification to the registry for the domain TLD. A domain name has to be active for the transfer to take place. The registry checks the domain status and accordingly gives the go-ahead.
However, you need to be careful during the entire process, because there is a possibility that someone else tries to take control or ownership of your domain name by initiating a transfer request. This is the reason you should always try and work with a registrar who has some kind of ‘domain locking’ feature.
There are a number of online companies that offer domain name registration services at reasonable costs. Aussie Web Host is one of the most reliable names in domain name registration services in Australia. We help our clients wade through the process of domain transfer with ease.
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