A domain name is actually a unique name for every website. Choose suitable and good domain name for your website is as important as its design and the quality of the products that you wish to sell through it. For online success you must give great importance to your company’s domain name.
There are many different types of domain extensions are available online like .com, .in, .net, etc but most favored extension of all is ‘.com’. Be peculiar and concise when selecting a domain name for your website. Also, it is very easy to see online if the domain name that you have in mind for your website is already taken. If you are discreet and rare you can find an existing domain for it. With thousands of websites already existing and many other websites yet emerging everyday it has become very difficult to get a name you want as your domain.
Also, use of characters, underscores, dashes, etc must be avoided. This may lead to confusion. Using acronyms or abbreviated forms is a better option and will keep people from making mistakes while typing your domain name.
You must make sure that the domain name of your company is not an infringement of a trademark and once you have chosen it you should get it registered immediately. It should list on all web pages and your correspondence communication including e-mails and other traditional notification measures.
Keeping you domain name very similar to your rival who already has an established business is also a drawback. People already remember the name of existing websites that are popular so they usually end up visiting them if your website name sounds or spells almost similar. Keeping these typical points in minds helps a lot in future and lets you choose an apt name domain name for your website.